This facilities were closed.
There are the sea and many hot springs surrounding a peninsula in Izu Peninsular of Shizuoka and an area called. There are both the sea and a mountain in Izu Peninsular. So people swim in the sea, and takes a walk through the woods and enjoys it and rests a tired body in a hot spring. In a car of such people, a national highway along the beach is always a traffic jam.
National highway issue 135 where it repeats such a traffic jam to introduce here this time is the kingdom "Animal residence Edo shop" where one day this one is wild to go.
If I began to be irritated by a traffic jam, and conversation broke off, I do a WHAT'S COOL of I don't lose, and putting a car in a parking lot of this place. Surely it will be that conversation bounds at the time returning to a row of traffic jam, too.
A mark of "Animal residence Edo shop" is huge KingKong. I drive, and it is drawn unintentionally, and not being delayed may have stopped a car.
A fresco letting a character of "wild kingdom" drawn on a building and the African earth think is easy to pick out when gets off a car. In a small building along a national highway, will there be what kind of wild creatures?
At once, I pass through the entrance where form took a mouth of a hippopotamus and begin inside. When I pay entrance charges and step during one step, a smell of a beast is disgusting. And the mysterious world that an innumerable animal crowded opened.
I will decline it in the first place, but they are all stuffed animals. But I am the animals
which you are seen usually, don't seem to die even if understand it when don't move. I have avoided even a camel of the eye that seem to be sleepy which met it in an entrance with fear.
Animals inhabiting an equal area seem to be collected, and familiar animals stand in line at zoos such as a zebra or a lion. A stuffed animal of "Okappi" which is an unusual beast is decorated with a photograph put in forehead. Only he will be a photograph why.
The mystery was removed immediately. There was the leopard which hanged a signboard written "Please don't touch" from a neck. Surely I will have stopped that the person who touched it too exhibited a hand with many things. I am disappointed.
I discovered a queer thing incidentally to their step. It seems to be insect repellent when takes you good. Insect repellent seems to be indispensable to a fur, and I attack it, and an insect will hang with them of the stuffed animal that an equal fur is worn. I pity them.
By the way, I came over to an end of a building while I looked at them. I keep a close watch
a tiger of how many opens a big mouth here, and to threaten this place. I was surprised, and a face of a giraffe was surprised to be it right beside more when shrank. It is cut, and a giraffe seems to be made whether you were too big only by a neck.
Giant panda put in show case was enshrined when passed a tiger in the side eye. Isn't a price of 4,700 ten thousand yen added to him when take you good? As a matter of fact their one copy was an article for sale.
And the thing which let a head confuse furthermore appeared. It is a stuffed animal of a monkey having sex. Besides, there are torii and money offering box behind them, and there seems to be effect when prays when not blessed with a child.
But it is much the stuffed animal which wants not to be shown in child. You will had better pass the place if visited you with a family to hasten it.
It is a polar bear that a meeting of a tiger of a point needs. Open a big mouth and stand up whether he is opposed to a tiger. But it doesn't seem to have met an insect in a disappointing thing.
The circumferences of a hand and a mouth become it whether the contents crop out here and there and are grotesque. Many climates of Japanese moisture may be what is related to some extent, too.
The regular route follows the souvenir thing shop which is next to afterwards. A stuffed animal of an innumerable deer begins to assail a neck on a wall, and animal goods are sold to furs of a leopard. Pots of pressure pan and ceramics are mixed inside, too and please us without getting tired till the last.
In the last
Please teach it to right or wrong me with a mail mail and ask if
you visited this place and purchased a stuffed animal.