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The the number one in the world number one in Japan decoration word is used well to sightseeing noted place. Or there is apt to be an ancestor too. Much decoration word is first in By the way, there is the first in world so that national highway Route No. 135 of Izu Peninsular goes. It is longevity and garden "Izu Andy land" of fortune luck.
"Izu Andy land" is the place immediately so that national highway issue 135 in a traffic jam goes if a signboard of a tortoise looked. The totem Paul whom a tortoise was piled up in sequence receives you. There is sightseeing bus exclusive use space too in the parking lot which did it spaciously. A person visiting this place in a little trip of woman society and a neighborhood association seems to be not a little, too.
I am divided into 4 during a thing of "Izu Andy land" big. At first the first tortoise group building in the world . The outdoor space where there are elephant tortoise ranch and a Japanese crane. Juxtaposition "three community art building". And "Andy restaurant" and the souvenir thing person whom it is possible for to eat.
Then I will introduce it sequentially.
It is the first "tortoise group building" in the world at first. I purchase a ticket with an automatic ticket vendor and become a little hall when pass through an entrance. At once, a tortoise are meetings.
A tortoise of a thing of world unusual kind breeds 120 kinds of 1,500, and tortoises with a head exhibit it to white snapping turtle, both sides here. It is a product as an aquarium, and, in the inside, a tortoise is with exhibition water tank by one kind and can watch a tortoise to go over glass. There is explanation panel about a tortoise before each exhibition water tank. There is quiz corner answered by knowledge about a tortoise in the way.It may be the very good tournament in creature learning of a child.
I appear to the outside where elephant tortoise and a Japanese crane are kept loose when finish looking at many unusual tortoises. In a Japanese proverb, the 1000th grade crane comes, and a tortoise
lives to ten thousand age. It is respected as a creature of longevity.
A child rides elephant tortoise when looks at a photograph of the ticket right side. A child is disappointed with a photograph when wanted to get equally. Nobody can be put currently. The reason is because mule, elephant tortoise feel stress why.
But Izu realizes your hope. There is the spot where a child can ride elephant tortoise particularly.
And "tortoise race" is held in one event open space in the front of elephant tortoise ranch on 1st how many times it is. It is a race to compete for step of several tortoises. It was written in an open space with "exciting", but you can be excited with it to where is depend on you. I will be good when will check time in an entrance in case of entrance.
By the way, next is juxtaposition "three community art building". This is the art building that the picture which hell, the Land of Happiness, a spiritual world were drawn on is exhibited. It is Mr. Tetsuro Tanba that produced this. He is one that is active as an actor and proposes the world after death when there is it.
I don't understand what kind of process this art building is added by. But you must each pay that one becomes clear by 200 yen to inspect one three community one.
Should I try to pay a rate? It isn't spoken in my personal judgment. But a person worried about the future life does a WHAT'S COOL of inspecting it by all means.
By the way, from a neck of a tortoise to a head, will it be me that consider to resemble the man sexual organs? It may be thought that such a thought is wicked.
But it is assumed that a snapping turtle is good for strong of nourishment and the energy reinforcement in Japan from old days and doesn't seem to be the thought that was necessarily wrong. Therefore snapping turtle extract is sold to a souvenir shop besides stuffed toy and sentence tool of a tortoise, too. And, at "Andy restaurant", you can eat snapping turtle cooking.
From education of a child to the energy reinforcement of a father. It may be said that "Izu Andy land" is the tournament affecting wide needs.